So I recently have taken on the challenge of third grade teacher ! I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this fun fact but our third graders are at that wonderful age where HORMONES happen. Being an only child I never experienced younger brothers or sisters becoming teenagers and all range of mood swings that it in tales. All that to say.... it has been an adjustment from my small, fairly quiet kindergarten class; to my large, rowdy third graders. I must say though, as a class we have come a long way in the past few months! Learning patience, understanding and the definition of inside voices! Which brings me now to Daniel.

This precious young man and I have not always seen eye to eye on things. However, the other day he blew my mind and melted my heart with a very simple, yet powerful act of love. It all started when we passed in the hall a little after lunch time and I asked how he was doing. He responded "I'm fine. How you?" I told him that I was a little hungry because I had forgotten my lunch. He said "Oh." Then turned and walked away. I made my way back to my kindergarten class and got back to writing lesson plans for the next week. A few minutes later I see a face peeking in from my door. Its Daniel. "Sorry Tia there is no more rice today." I looked up from my papers to this beautiful face and could not have felt more loved in that moment. I thanked him for thinking of me and told him I would be alright. Grinning from ear to ear I turned back to my desk and kept working. But the story of kindness doesn't end there. About a minute later I see Daniel walking into my class room with his hands behind his back. He smiles, holds out his hand and puts a pack of cookies on my desk. "I bought these for you." He said.
"Now you wont be hungry." He turned walked out of the room before I could pick my jaw up off the floor to say thank you. He didn't wait around for praise, or recognition. Only to make sure that his teacher had something to eat for lunch.
For it is in the giving that we truly receive" Francis of Assisi
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