Monday, April 15, 2013

Singing in the rain

(This post has nothing to do with Haiti. It was just a beautiful moment I wanted to share)

 Yesterday was a dreary, cold, wet day. It was a perfect day for chinese food and a movie marathon on the sofa. A few friends and I gathered around the TV with junk food in hand and prepared to be lazy all day! After the first movie the rain seemed to be coming down in sheets while the thunder and lightning shook the house. After the first movie was over we decided we need a little break before starting the next one.  Do you ever feel like sometimes we talk because we just like the sound of our own voices? We have nothing to say really we just don’t know how to enjoy silence. As I sat there watching my friends play games on their phones and snack I could no longer ignore the pull to go outside into the rain.  I didn’t say a word I just slipped quietly outside and seated myself on the ground of the porch.  Do you remember when rain was a welcomed friend to play with? I can remember jumping in every puddle until my toes turned into little raisins in my shoes. When did rain become something to avoid?  As I sat on the front porch I closed my eyes and listened. As I listened to the rain hit the ground around me and the swaying of the branches above me an overwhelming sense of wonder began to fill me.  It was beautiful! Suddenly it became very clear to me that everything around me was worshiping. The rain, the wind, and the birds they had all joined together on this seemingly blah day to glorify the one true God. I was in awe. All of a sudden I was singing. I’m not sure if I decided to or if my soul just knew? Either way there I sat on the front porch worshiping with the rain in kreyol.  I stayed there for what seemed like hours making up my own songs to the rhythm of the rain and the wind. Before I went back inside I began just thanking God for drawing me out into the storm. As I walked in the door I thought I heard Him whisper Thanks for listening I’ve missed you! J I couldn’t believe that the God of the universe missed me and wanted to spend a little one on one time with me. Who am I?? I am His beloved and He is mine.  This is not about me being great or always obedient because truthfully I probably don’t listen half as often as I am called. I just want to encourage whoever reads this to get up and go out into the rain when you feel Him pulling at you. If I would have stayed inside I would have missed a beautiful moment between me and Jesus.

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